Apel la protejarea Datelor Personale
Update 26 Martie, a fost publicata o versiune actualizata a declaratiei, disponibila pe www.stirioficiale.ro si include posibilitatea de a completa datele personale direct in formularul online!
⚠️In perioada de carantina nationala este necesara completarea Declaratiei pe proprie raspundere pentru deplasari in afara casei. Ca urmare a aparitiei unor website-uri neoficiale este important sa:
Școala digitală în timpuri de criză epidemiologică
????Școlile sunt închise, Școala Digitală continuă!Ca răspuns la situația de criză generată de răspândirea coronavirusului COVID-19, Ministerul Educației și Cercetării din România a dispus închiderea școlilor, cel puțin până la finalizarea Sărbătorilor Pascale.
Pentru a nu afecta procesul de educație, începând cu această săptămână, mai multe resurse sunt disponibile elevilor și profesorilor:
? Teleșcoala - program zilnic...
Digital Security – dissemination workshops
Testimonial of a teacher who joined the first Erasmus+ training course.
For me, Digital Technology is the only discipline that can change and evolve from day-to-day. Digital technology is the future, so the purpose of the dissemination sessions was to inform teachers and students and to share with them what I have learned during the...
Digital impact on young citizens and NGOs
During 20-27 January 2020, Digital Citizens Romania team joined the training course "Digital security in youth work", organised in Wroclav, Poland.
As a main partner, Digital Citizens was happy to introduce the participants in the digital world, by delivering sessions on topics such as:
Digitalisation and its impact on citizens and societyArtificial intelligence, ethics and its...
Youth IGF Summit 2019, Berlin
Part of a new model to engage young people in Internet Governance and digital policies, more than 100 young people from over 30 countries worked over several months in a collaborative process to develop and formulate youth messages for the Internet Governance Forum 2019.
Digital Citizens Romania was proud to join the trainers' team, being...
Digital Citizens Anniversary, 27 June 2019
✨Comunitatea Digital Citizens sarbatoreste 3 ani de la lansarea oficiala, pe 27 iunie 2016
✳️Suntem bucurosi sa avem alaturi de noi din ce in ce mai multi colaboratori care ne impartasesc obiectivele si alaturi de care putem contribui la construirea unei societati digitale centrata pe cetateni!
La multi ani tuturor cetatenilor digitali de pretutindeni!
EU Datathon, 13 June 2019
Digital Citizens Romania was honoured to join the jury of the 3rd edition of the EU Datathon, on 13 June 2019 with the final in Brussels, where 12 teams pitched their skills and ideas against each other to win 3 different challenges.
The challenge for the 12 finalists (selected from 99 entries across Europe) was to...
RO2019EU “How to better respond to European aspirations of the young generation in the Western Balkans”, 28-29 May 2019
We are honoured to be partners of the European Conference "How to better respond to European aspirations of the young generation in the Western Balkans" - part of the Romanian EU Council Presidency - and moderate the panel “Supporting the next generation of young innovators. Entrepreneurship and startups, Technology/ICT, Science: examples and best practices...
South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG 5), 6-8 May 2019
The 5th edition of SEEDIG has started in Bucharest!Digital Citizens Romania is happy to join it as partners and moderators for the first panel "Cybersecurity in South Eastern Europe: how to ensure trust and security?".An important debate about digital litreacy, cyber hygiene, human rights and regional cooperation.
Moderator: Veronica Ștefan, Digital Citizens Romania
Panellists:➡️ Maria-Manuela Catrina, State Secretary, Ministry...
Conference “Competition in a new digital era – opportunities and challenges”, 16 April 2019
Digital Citizens Romania, with the extensive support of academia and digital industry, organizes the conference “Competition in a new digital era – opportunities and challenges”, organised in Bucharest – Romania, on the 16th of April 2019.
The conference takes place in the framework of wider European and global debates concerning the impact of digital transformation...