Digital impact on young citizens and NGOs

During 20-27 January 2020, Digital Citizens Romania team joined the training course “Digital security in youth work”, organised in Wroclav, Poland.

As a main partner, Digital Citizens was happy to introduce the participants in the digital world, by delivering sessions on topics such as:

  • Digitalisation and its impact on citizens and society
  • Artificial intelligence, ethics and its impact on human rights
  • Media Literacy (including sessions on: disinformation vs. fake news; cyber threats; safety online; personal cyber-hygiene)
  • NGO privacy and security issues
  • Digital competences for citizens (based on the EU framework DigComp)
  • Digital youth work

The training course was an opportunity to explore the various opportunities and challenges created by the new technologies from the lenses of NGO professionals and young people.

While many of the concepts and ideas discussed seem, at first sight, intuitive and “natural to the technology user”, in reality, they bring new perspectives and new needs for future learning opportunities.

As Digital Citizens, we advocate for more similar educational opportunities for professionals, from all sectors, particularly for those working with young people. In this context, we were happy to work with the host organisation “Idea Lab Foundation”, from Poland, in developing as one of the deliverables of this training course a – guide for “Digital Security in NGOs”.

The Digital Citizens Romania team was represented at the event by Diana Melinte, Vlad Macelaru, Ioana Radulescu and Veronica Stefan.

Vlad, Ioana, Veronica, Diana (from left to right)

*The event was funded with the support of Erasmus+ programme.