Our articles

Oferim 30 bilete la GoTech World 2019

Anul acesta oferim 30 bilete Digital Starter la evenimentul GoTech World (fost IMWorld), 2-3 octombrie Romexpo!➡️Aplică pt unul din cele 30 bilete gratuite folosind link-ul: https://digitalcitizens.typeform.com/to/FE1x24 Biletul de tip Digital Starter oferă acces la zona expo, zonele de networking și cele 2 scene cu speakeri locali și internationali:✔️Digital & E-commerce Stage - multi-Channel Selling, Machine learning and data analysis,...

????? ???????????’ ???, 13 September 2019

13 septembrie 2019 - ???? ????????̦??????̆ ? ??????????????? - ocazie de a-i sărbători pe tinerii români care obțin constant rezultate excepționale, dar și pe cei care au fost pionieri în acest domeniu! ????????? ?? ??????????? ?? ???????????̆ - ????:?3 Medalii aur și una de argint - Olimpiada Europeană de Informatică pentru Juniori, August 2019?O medialie aur și 2 medalii argint -...

Digital Citizens Anniversary, 27 June 2019

✨Comunitatea Digital Citizens sarbatoreste 3 ani de la lansarea oficiala, pe 27 iunie 2016 ✳️Suntem bucurosi sa avem alaturi de noi din ce in ce mai multi colaboratori care ne impartasesc obiectivele si alaturi de care putem contribui la construirea unei societati digitale centrata pe cetateni! La multi ani tuturor cetatenilor digitali de pretutindeni!

EU Datathon, 13 June 2019

Digital Citizens Romania was honoured to join the jury of the 3rd edition of the EU Datathon, on 13 June 2019 with the final in Brussels, where 12 teams pitched their skills and ideas against each other to win 3 different challenges. The challenge for the 12 finalists (selected from 99 entries across Europe) was to...

RO2019EU “How to better respond to European aspirations of the young generation in the Western Balkans”, 28-29 May 2019

We are honoured to be partners of the European Conference "How to better respond to European aspirations of the young generation in the Western Balkans" - part of the Romanian EU Council Presidency - and moderate the panel “Supporting the next generation of young innovators. Entrepreneurship and startups, Technology/ICT, Science: examples and best practices...

South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG 5), 6-8 May 2019

The 5th edition of SEEDIG has started in Bucharest!Digital Citizens Romania is happy to join it as partners and moderators for the first panel "Cybersecurity in South Eastern Europe: how to ensure trust and security?".An important debate about digital litreacy, cyber hygiene, human rights and regional cooperation. Moderator: Veronica Ștefan, Digital Citizens Romania Panellists:➡️ Maria-Manuela Catrina, State Secretary, Ministry...

Conference “Competition in a new digital era – opportunities and challenges”, 16 April 2019

Digital Citizens Romania, with the extensive support of academia and digital industry, organizes the conference “Competition in a new digital era – opportunities and challenges”, organised in Bucharest – Romania, on the 16th of April 2019. The conference takes place in the framework of wider European and global debates concerning the impact of digital transformation...

Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum, 27-28 March 2019

This year we were happy to be partners for the CIP 2019 Forum and co-host 2 panels: „Future of Blockchain – Regulations, Opportunities & Challenges” „Digital society for digital citizens: a multi stakeholder perspective” CIP FORUM is a conference designed as an open platform for leaders, decision makers and managers from central administration, public and private sector, for security specialists...

România Digitală, Consiliu Consultativ

Incepand cu luna februarie Ministerul Comunicațiilor și Societății Informaționale - România a demarat intrunirile din cadrul consiliului consultativ #RomaniaDigitala.Ne bucuram sa fim alaturi de alti actori relevanti in identificarea si promovarea prioritatilor digitale - atat la nivel national cat si european! Prima întrunire a Consiliului Consultativ „România Digitală” Astăzi, 12 februarie 2019, a avut loc, la sediul Ministerului Comunicațiilor...

Highlights of Digital Future Forum, 12th December 2018

Digital Future Forum offered a platform to highlight the major developments within the European Digital Single Market and supported the debates in preparation for the incoming Romanian Presidency #RO2019EU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHFizhAHnCk&t=3s The event (Bucharest, 13th of December 2018) was organised by the Think-Tank Digital Citizens Romania, in partnership with Ministry of Communications & Information Society with the support...