New Rising Fields of Online Activities
COVID-19 has marked a shift in the way we conduct routine tasks of our public and private lives as more and more aspects of our daily lives are moving online. Internet consumption has increased by over 50% since the outbreak of novel coronavirus as about a third of the world’s population are stuck at...
Research: Lockdown & Digital Consumption Trends
What is the research about?
The research is looking to contribute to the understanding of online behaviours and how they have changed in the past months following the COVID-19 outbreak and current Lockdown measures globally. What are the benefits and disadvantages of these changes and what can we learn from this experience?The research has a...
Join the EU in identifying AI solutions for preventing or combating COVID-19!
The European Union has launched a call to contribute to the EU repository gathering information on all AI resources available in the time of COVID-19.
?What are they are specifically looking for? AI systems or robotic tools that can be deployed either immediately or in the short to mid-term, in the context of disease prevention,...
Apel la protejarea Datelor Personale
Update 26 Martie, a fost publicata o versiune actualizata a declaratiei, disponibila pe si include posibilitatea de a completa datele personale direct in formularul online!
⚠️In perioada de carantina nationala este necesara completarea Declaratiei pe proprie raspundere pentru deplasari in afara casei. Ca urmare a aparitiei unor website-uri neoficiale este important sa:
Școala digitală în timpuri de criză epidemiologică
????Școlile sunt închise, Școala Digitală continuă!Ca răspuns la situația de criză generată de răspândirea coronavirusului COVID-19, Ministerul Educației și Cercetării din România a dispus închiderea școlilor, cel puțin până la finalizarea Sărbătorilor Pascale.
Pentru a nu afecta procesul de educație, începând cu această săptămână, mai multe resurse sunt disponibile elevilor și profesorilor:
? Teleșcoala - program zilnic...
România semnează declarația UE Quantum Communication Infrastructure
27 Feb 2020 | Bruxel, Belgia
România s-a alăturat inițiativei europene "Quantum Communication Infrastructure" (QCI) - urmând ca până la finalul anului să transmită un plan de acțiune național. ????
Astfel, 24 de State membre UE se alătură eforturilor Comisiei Europene și Agenției Spațiale Europene de a dezvolta tehnologii cuantice care pot sprijini securitatea cibernetică...
Digital Security – dissemination workshops
Testimonial of a teacher who joined the first Erasmus+ training course.
For me, Digital Technology is the only discipline that can change and evolve from day-to-day. Digital technology is the future, so the purpose of the dissemination sessions was to inform teachers and students and to share with them what I have learned during the...
Digital impact on young citizens and NGOs
During 20-27 January 2020, Digital Citizens Romania team joined the training course "Digital security in youth work", organised in Wroclav, Poland.
As a main partner, Digital Citizens was happy to introduce the participants in the digital world, by delivering sessions on topics such as:
Digitalisation and its impact on citizens and societyArtificial intelligence, ethics and its...
Training “Digital Security in Youth Work”, 20-27 January 2020
Digital Citizens Romania selectează 2 persoane (18 ani+, fără limită de vârstă) pentru participarea la un training despre utilizare noilor tehnologii si impacul acestora asupra tinerilor.
Aplică aici:
Perioada evenimentului: 20-27 ianuarie 2020Locația: Polonia, orașul Wroclaw – programul include o zi liberă în Wroclaw ( logistice: organizatorii asigura cazare si masa, deconteaza transportul (maxim 240 euro)
Mai multe...
Apply to SIDI Bucharest, 9-13 December 2019
SEEDIG & Facultatea de Științe Politice - SNSPA invites you to the 1st Winter School on Internet Governance, Digital Policies and Innovation! #SIDI⏰Apply by 15th of October✔️When & Where: 9–13 December 2019, Bucharest - Romania.Who:✔️SIDI Bucharest is designed for students and professionals keen to learn more about digital innovation, the impact of the Internet and other digital technologies...