Digital Citizens at EuroDIG 2020
This week we are joining the most important European event on Internet Governance - EuroDIG 2020, which for the first time take place exclusively online.
All those interested can still follow the online streaming - check the link below for the...
EUdatathon 2020 finalists announced
The 2020 EU Datathon's finalists have been announced, the EU open data competition!
Among them, 2 Romanian teams are included in the list, competing in the categories:
Europe fit for the digital age and A new push for...
Digital impact on young citizens and NGOs
During 20-27 January 2020, Digital Citizens Romania team joined the training course "Digital security in youth work", organised in Wroclav, Poland.
As a main partner, Digital Citizens was happy to introduce the participants in the...
Training “Digital Security in Youth Work”, 20-27 January 2020
Digital Citizens Romania selectează 2 persoane (18 ani+, fără limită de vârstă) pentru participarea la un training despre utilizare noilor tehnologii si impacul acestora asupra tinerilor.
Aplică aici:
Perioada evenimentului: 20-27 ianuarie 2020Locația: Polonia, orașul Wroclaw –...
Oferim 30 bilete la GoTech World 2019
Anul acesta oferim 30 bilete Digital Starter la evenimentul GoTech World (fost IMWorld), 2-3 octombrie Romexpo!➡️Aplică pt unul din cele 30 bilete gratuite folosind link-ul:
Biletul de tip Digital Starter oferă acces la zona expo, zonele de networking...