EUdatathon 2020 finalists announced

The 2020 EU Datathon’s finalists have been announced, the EU open data competition!

Among them, 2 Romanian teams are included in the list, competing in the categories:

  • Europe fit for the digital age and
  • A new push for European democracy

Congratulations to Shield and Digital Forest Dryads of Copernicus and thank you Publications Office of the EU for showcasing great projects of (re)using Open Data!

Following this preselection, the 12 teams have 19 weeks to turn their proposal into a fully-working application. This period leaves them plenty of time to develop an application that could be marketable when unveiled during the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels from 12 to 15 October 2020.

The final pitch of each team will happen on 15 October 2020. A jury, composed of experts from within and outside the EU public sector, will evaluate them. This will culminate in a prize-giving ceremony, including a public choice award that will give two tickets for this year’s Web Summit in Lisbon: the public will vote on their preferred application during the last 4 days of the competition.

Digital Citizens is happy to have been part of the EU jury for the 2018 and 2019 editions.

More info at: